a simple life

Ideas for simple living, saving money and being well

Affiliate Links

After six months of blogging I have decided that the time has some to add some affiliate links. At the moment I have spent some money and lots of time on ‘A Simple Life’. So firstly, it would be nice to break even and also earn some money to make more improvements to the site. I spend time every day on creating content and doing research for the blog and although I get a boost every time I receive a like, a comment or get a new follower, it would be an added bonus to get a little bit of money occasionally.

‘A Simple Life’ is partly about saving money, so I am not going to be promoting all manner of useless items on which to spend your hard-earned cash. I do often write about self-help books though and may be occasionally you might think about purchasing one. As you know I try to get books out of the library and would encourage you to do so, but sometimes a book isn’t available or you get it out of the library and find that you really like it and want to have your own copy. If this is the case I would be grateful if you first learnt about the book on ‘A Simple Life’ then you return and click on my link.

I am starting with Amazon’s affiliate programme and if you click on the link to the book that I am talking about and then purchase it, I will earn some money.

I hope that you will share my view that as a way of monetizing a blog affiliate links are preferable to having to negotiate loads of adverts, which I find very annoying, particularly when trying to read a blog on my phone, as I am sure you often do.

So there we go, a little explanation of why you might see some links occasionally. I hope that it won’t put you off reading my posts and if you have any comments, good or bad, I’d love to hear them.